AUTÉNTICO: Research and development in automatic characterization and classification technology using EMATs and clustering techniques.
AUTÉNTICO’s objective is to develop a new range of EMAT transducers able to classify metallic materials in different families. This classification is of special interest for quality control among different industries related with metallic components manufacturing as they could carry out automatic quality control tasks which, today, still perform manually. The technology Innerspec proposes aims to detect differences between:
This Project has been co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) with the aim to promote the technology development, the innovation and a quality research. A way to make Europe.
Project Number: IDI-20160155
Place of project implementation: Innerspec’s facilities at Loeches (Madrid)
Execution time of the project: from 1st November 2019 until 31st December 2021
Project budget: 518,438 €