LRUT provides long-range inspections of pipes covering up to 100m per side (200m total). It uses the same instrument and complements MRUT for inspection of pipes at any distance.
Permits scanning up to +/-100m on pipes using Long Range UT techniques. No fixed diameter rings needed.
Magnetostrictive strip material can be cut to any diameter. No need to have individual rings for different diameters. The strip weighs less than 1Kg and fits in a small backpack.
Standard kit covers all pipe schedules up to 24”. Additional ribbon sensors available to cover diameters up to 48” and above.
Very fast and quick installation. No need to pressurize the transducers. Surfaces only need slight sanding and inspections can run on painted surfaces.
Low profile for limited access locations. This is of particular relevance for pipe racks with limited spacing between them.
Single transducer for the whole pipe perimeter, reducing drastically maintenance, spares and repair costs.
Superior signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to piezoelectric rings (+10-20dB).
Axisymmetric ring provides a homogeneous wave front with a minimum blind zone (more uniform loading of sound in the pipe).
Fast pipe screening using a single axisymmetric collar. Additional focusing using a separate receiver and scanner.
Permits using the same instrument to perform MRUT inspections.
High-temperature tensioner for inspections up to 300C.
Software Upgrades
LRUT LITE (fast screening)
LRUT FOCUS (focusing around the pipe).
Related Instruments
The following instruments are recommended for this application.