End of the paradigm of quality vs production with NDT Inspections 4.0

March 23, 2021

Our colleague Francisco García Torres, NDT On-Site Inspection Manager at Innerspec Technologies, has prepared a case study explaining how the traditional conflict between quality and production will change thanks to the combination of advanced NDT techniques and FEA analysis.

It is expected a fierce competition among companies to be awarded with contracts that will secure their businesses. Some companies have been leading the renewable market for years and they have built a substantial moat which place them in an invaluable position in the market. However, though a good start point, it is not unwavering.

It is time for them to start looking forward and push everyone around to join the industry trend 4.0 also enforced by the Forum. Moving in the right direction will end the controversy of Quality Vs. Production which has dragged down many projects damaging company's image.

Application of conventional NDT methods to supervise the quality has been burdening progress. Production department has been reticent to implement advanced NDT techniques based on wrong concepts. It is time for NDT companies to look at the industry in the right way, showing that there is a way to work for all. Just by moving forward.

We will try to show and explain that NDT industry must lead the progress introducing FEA analysis in their reports if they want to join all stakeholders around project success.
